Investing 101
There is a misconception that investing is an “adult thing,” as it has not been meaningfully offered in our middle and high schools. Well, those days are gone. In this course, Nexbooks has broken down everything from buying stocks on popular trading platforms, like Robinhood and Ameritrade, to ETFs, Futures Contracts, and even retirement accounts. Investing is a lifelong activity, like fitness or learning, and with this course, students will understand both how its done, and its importance. As promised, this course goes a long way in supporting our mission of making school “relevant and fun again," and we hope your student loves it!
1. What is Investing
1.1 What is Investing
1.2 Assets vs. Liabilities
1.3 Calculating ROI
1.4 Hedging Against Inflation
1.5 The Time Value of Money
1.6 Capital Gains vs. Dividends
1.7 Tax Advantages of Being an Investor
2. Stocks
2.1 What are Stocks
2.2 How to Buy or Sell a Stock
2.3 Ways to Analyze a Stock
2.4 Dividend Paying Stocks
2.5 Growth Stocks
2.6 Stock Investing Strategies
3. Bonds
3.1 What is a Bond?
3.2 Types and Categories of Bonds
3.3 How to Buy or Sell a Bond
3.4 Ways to Analyze a Bond
3.5 Bond Ratings
3.6 Bond Investing Strategies
4. Investment Packages
4.1 Mutual Funds
4.2 ETFs
4.3 Index Funds
4.4 REITs
4.5 Retirement Accounts
5. Other Investments
5.1 Futures Markets
5.2 How to Buy and Sell Futures Contracts
5.3 Cryptocurrencies
5.4 How to Buy and Sell Cryptocurrencies
6. Real Estate
6.1 How Rental Real Estate Works
6.2 Residential Real Estate
6.3 Commercial Real Estate
6.4 Tax Advantages of Owning Rental Properties